How To Air Roll in Rocket League In 2024?

How To Air Roll in Rocket League In 2024

Mastering the art of air rolling is a quintessential skill for any Rocket League enthusiast. In this comprehensive guide, we'll break down the process into a seven-step framework, tailored for players looking to refine their aerial maneuvers in 2024.


Step 1: Set Your Bindings

There are two types of air roll controls to consider: joystick air roll and directional air roll. Joystick air roll, commonly just labeled 'air roll' in the settings, allows you to spin or tilt but not simultaneously. Conversely, the directional air roll, which includes the keybinds 'air roll left' and 'air roll right', unlocks an additional dimension of movement. For optimal control, bind 'air roll left' to a convenient key that you can access while boosting and moving your joystick.

Step 2: Learn Each Direction

Understanding the fundamentals of air roll is crucial. To illustrate its importance, try navigating a workshop map without using air roll—you'll quickly realize its significance. If you're aiming for peak rank in 2024, mastering each direction in free play is your starting point. Fly to goal in all orientations: right side up, upside down, left, and right. This foundation will triple the speed of learning more advanced maneuvers like tornado spins.

Step 3: Master the Tornado Spin

Executing a tornado spin involves holding 'air roll left' while pushing the joystick to the right. This technique allows you to lift the nose of your car and aerial faster, a common practice among pros for fast aerials. The unique lifting motion is a game-changer for effective air roll from takeoff.

Step 4: Speed Control with Tornado Spins

In midair, the neutral position serves as a baseline for controlling speed using tornado spins. A half tornado spin from neutral slows you down, while a tornado spin with your nose away and wheels towards you speeds up your car. Practice alternating between speeding up and slowing down to master these adjustments before attempting continuous spins.

Step 5: Turning with Tornado Spins

From the neutral position, use tornado spins combined with joystick movements to turn. Spend a week or two practicing left and right turns individually. Achieving proficiency in these turns is essential before moving on to continuous spins and in-game adjustments.

Step 6: Fill in the Gaps

Push your limits by placing your car in awkward positions and attempting to recover. This will lead to failures, but these are essential for learning. Your goal should be to complete aerial challenges, such as Lethamyr's Rings Map, by continuous spinning with one half of your joystick.

Step 7: Practice Cooksir Twists

Understanding how to control air roll with tornado spins is crucial, but incorporating Cooksir Twists can offer immediate speed adjustments from neutral positions. However, due to diminishing returns, this step is optional. Focus on your weakest link; if it's not air roll control, it's more efficient to improve other areas of your gameplay.