Mastering Rocket League 2v2: Corner Forcing, Single Jump Defense, and More

Are you tired of struggling to improve in Rocket League 2v2? Do you want to become the best player in your rank games? Look no further! By understanding the three-step framework of Corner Forcing, Single Jump Defense, and Advantage Offense, you'll be able to consistently be the most impactful player on the field. 


Corner Forcing

The number one aspect of 2v2 games is his no-challenge principle. When the opponent gets the ball in their corner, flakes don't challenge, and neither should you. Remember, your defensive corner is the best place to have the ball in 2v2. It's basic risk-reward: in your corner, they basically have to do a predictable center or take a really off-angle shot that you can cover defensively.

Imagine your first man in the corner, and your teammate is playing back up at midfield. The opposing first man commits, and you beat them. The odds instantly shift in your favor, and you've got a 2v1 situation with space. What about if you get beat? Well, your teammate is waiting to back you up, and the opposing first man is now overextended in your corner.

Single Jump Defense

Single Jump Defense is all about playing smart defense. Instead of knocking the ball away, cover everything using a single jump. This allows you to save the ball and keep it close to follow up. Chas uses a single jump to neutralize attacks and turn them right back into 2v1s for his team.

Advantage Offense

Advantage Offense is all about setting up 2v1 situations. You're not trying to score; you're trying to set up a situation where your team has the advantage. Imagine you've just played single jump defense, and now you've got the ball. What do you do? You bust it downfield, avoiding getting demoed, and try to beat the goalie. Sometimes you'll score, but other times you'll just go for a 50/50 and let your teammate clean it up.


Here are some common questions and answers to help you master the three-step framework:

  • What if my ball control sucks and I toss it every time I get the ball in my corner? Learn Shadow defense, and get comfortable in your corner. It will come with time.
  • What about the boost? Guard your corner boost like your life depends on it. Grab the boost, avoid the bump, and repeat.
  • What about mechanics? Think of mechanics as your finishing moveset. Use them to put the nail in the coffin in 1v1 situations.
  • How do I score without mechanics? Use angles! Play it out to the side, wrap around it, and power side cut.
  • What do I do if my teammates are ball chasing? Let them. Try to assert dominance, and cover for them. You'll win more in the long run.
  • What if it's my turn to go and my opponent is still ball-chasing upfield? Wait at half field, and do not push up too close to their goal. Remember, you're the last man, and you're not going to commit unless it's clean, free, and safe.
  • What if the ball is rolling up the wall and I have an air triple set up? Fake the air dribble, and let it roll down the wall. Power slide, cut, and GG!
  • What if the opponents are monkeying? Just do exactly what I taught you in this video, with a special emphasis on baiting them into your corner, controlling your boost, and controlling 50/50s. Trust me, this framework counters monkey Challengers.
  • What if my opponent starts an aerial play? If you're champ or below, just wait on the ground for them to fall and flop down. Then, take the free ball. If you're GC or above, send someone up to shut it down.

Roles in 2v2

There are only two roles in 2v2: first man and second man. Understanding how to play these roles is crucial to becoming a better player.

First Man on Offense

As the first man on offense, your main goal is to break down the defense and make it easier for your team to score. You want to make the defense as uncomfortable as possible. Here are some ways to do this:

  • Get the ball around the opponent's first man while keeping possession.
  • Bully committing into the ball, but don't overcommit.
  • Take a 50, but don't win it if the ball will end up closer to their second man.
  • Drive challenges are good, but make sure you know where your teammate is first.

Second Man on Offense

As the second man on offense, your positioning is the most important thing. You don't want to be pushed up too far forward, but you also don't want to be too far back. You're waiting for a 50 or some hit to come back to you. Here are some tips:

  • Read the play, and examine your opponents and the current speed of the ball.
  • Wait around half-field when your teammate is pushed up super far.
  • Don't go for the ball if it's right in front of the opponent's net and there's not a clear opening for you to score.

Defense is where most Rocket League players go wrong. By understanding your role on defense, you can climb the ranks.

First Man on Defense

As the first man on defense, your main responsibility is to transition your team from defense to offense or force the opponent to lose control. Here are some tips:

  • Force the opponent to do something with the ball when they have complete control of it.
  • Use fake challenges to force without committing.
  • Keep the ball close to your corner or teammate if you're confident they'll be where they need to be.
  • Don't let your opponent keep full control after your challenge and leave your teammate in a 1v1 situation.

Second Man on Defense

As the second man on defense, your main goal is to stall time for your teammate to get back. Here are some tips:

  • Stall as much time as possible for your teammate to get back.
  • Use Shadow defense to cover the net in front of you while also being able to challenge if they lose control.
  • Be comfortable with backward saves and being able to clear the ball where you want it to go.
  • Bait your opponent to take the ball into your corner by keeping yourself between the net and the opponent.

By following these tips and understanding the three-step framework of Corner Forcing, Single Jump Defense, and Advantage Offense, you'll be well on your way to becoming a top player in your 2v2 rank games.